10 reasons why drugs should not be legalized
WebThe following are ten reasons why drugs should not be legalized in the United States: Drug use has negative health risks and consequences. No doubt states are justified in protecting the health and well being of citizens. WebWe can't legalize drugs - despite political, economic, even survival pressures to do so - because of deep underlying American mindsets against drugs, the two primary ones being The same issues that are inherent in cocaine cutting are also issues in drugs like MDMA and Molly. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Recent studies reveal that wealthy teens have over As a result, while the health and safety risks of cigarettes may be greater than those proven to accompany marijuana, one can buy cigarettes from a vending machine and but go to prison for smoking marijuana. In 2005, only 3.3 percent of the cocaine tested by the Forensic Science Service was less than 9 percent pure. WebIn any case, the risk of higher drug consumption might be acceptable if legalization could reduce dramatically if not remove entirely the crime associated with the black market for Husak finds punishing adolescent users a peculiar way to protect them. one deserving punishment. Those convicted of corruption were able to be bought with both money and sex by the cartels to secure the safe passage of their drugs into the United States. It contains a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone, which, Recognizing the need to get sober is one thing; knowing how to do so is quite another. In fact, very often an addict will not even feel like himself without taking drugs. Just like tobacco, marijuana smoke irritates the lining of the mouth, throat and lungs. Husak contends that punishing adults or youth, far from protecting youth, puts them at greater risk. Over seven million people are classified with illicit drug dependence or abuse in the United States. If these drugs were legalized, studied and controlled, people could buy drugs from safe and known manufacturers. Douglas Husak provides the conceptual clarity needed to work one's way through the various debates surrounding drug use and the law. Cully Stimson is a widely recognized expert in national security, homeland security, crime control, drug policy, and immigration. It also encourages racial profiling, discrimination, false arrests and the intimidation of citizens in order to find the bigger culprits behind the drug trade. Husak, conceding a connection between drug use and crime, turns the argument upside-down, showing how punishment increases rather than decreases crime. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain's structure. The same condition holds for hard drugs. Marijuana is an addictive, gateway drug. LEGALISATION MEANS REGULATION. Pharmacies, banks, schools, hospitals in fact, all organizations that deal with the public may feel compelled to check their employees` drug use regularly and randomly. (Will this then include gambling?) (p. 159) According to this, de Marneffe claims that burdens on drug vendors or users may be justified by the prevention of harms to a particular individual or individuals. Drugs can and will most likely ruin the lives of anyone who uses them for a long period of time. As recently as 2006, just 32% supported marijuana legalization, while nearly twice as many First, marijuana has negative effects on mental health. Having as many ways and action taken to avoid Furthermore, the US Drug Enforcement Administration claims that crime, violence and drug use go hand in hand. Be prepared to consider the pros and cons of drug decriminalization.Article sourced from https://gabbertsite.wordpress.com/. Most people who take Molly do not know what they are taking or how much they are taking when they take a dose. We have known for decades that addiction is a medical conditiona treatable brain disordernot a character flaw or a form of social deviance. Two pretty hippies. Curtailing drug production and trafficking is an important motivation for Obama's expansion of the War in Afghanistan. Legalization. Illegal drugs are frequently cut with toxic substances or with other drugs, and the purityand strength of each batch produced can vary enormously. Decriminalization may lead to a push for legalization in some situations. Marijuana makes you dumb. Drug use should be treated as a health rather than a legal issue, says California State Senator Scott Wiener 96, who has sponsored legislation to decriminalize the use and possession of psychedelic drugs in the state by those over 21. And the Obama Administration has indicated no slackening of American attacks on supplier nations' drug production and drug interdiction when it comes to this emergency. Among the public overall, there is a modest gender divide in views of whether abortion should be legal: 58% of men and 63% of women say it should be legal in at least most cases. But data on cirrhosis from repeal of U.S. Alcohol Prohibition suggest only a modest increase in alcohol consumption. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with his wife, mountain biking in Southern California, and running. Find therapists best matched to your needs. Of course, some people will still go underground, but those who want to take ecstasy without the risks can do so when they can purchase it from a reliable and regulated source. WebEliminating drugs as a criminal offence will halt this injustice, and help prevent the institutional racism that pervades throughout our societies. It is the right of every individual to decide whether to take drugs. Even if they were greater, imprisonment does not reduce, but compounds the health risks for prisoners. But the major policy debate over drugs had already flown past the office of Drug Czar by the time Kerlikowske was selected. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost. Decades of empirical evidence from around the world shows that reducing and eliminating criminal penalties for drug As to the disease mindset, is is maintained and promoted by both pro- and anti-legalization proponents. Even if the harder drugs remained illegal, the softer drugs would only serve as a gateway to more dangerous substances. Web1. The infiltration of the America's domestic drug trafficking by Mexican cartels, illustrating both the porousness of our southern border and the continuing gargantuan illicit drug trade in the United States, now dominates American drug policy discussions. The result is that the person experiences severely unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA Legalizing recreational marijuana dramatically increases growth of the plant, which is bad for the environment. But think of the benefits to society, pot proponents then argue. The criminal prohibition of drugs has not eliminated or significantly reduced drug use. WebOther factors, such as social stigma, criminal repercussions, and lack of accessibility, all influence the rate of consumption of illicit drugs. When MSNBC's Rachel Maddow interviewed Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, only military and border policing options were discussed. Some dealers simply cut their products and never mention that the drug has been laced with another chemical or drug. It significantly impairs bodily and mental functions, and its use is related to increased violence. It has worked from the presidency down to the army to try to rid the whole state of the corruption that cripples not only the government but the growth of the economy and by extension the middle class. Therefore, the people will be the least effective in their jobs and involved people in accidents. The Legalization of Drugs: For & Against. Yet the Obama Administration won't contemplate the possibility of legalizing marijuana. The war on drugs does not simply promote the misinformation about controlled substances. We did not understand how this disease could alter personality and steal individual freedom. Next These real gateway drugs, the substances classified as drugs by scientists but not by the government, are rarely, if ever, included on the propaganda that continues to perpetuate the myth that marijuana use leads to serious drug problems. Kids report they can get drugs relatively easily, and too many of us have suffered the heartbreak of addiction affecting a loved one or ourselves. There is a shortage of behavioral health and substance abuse treatment in the United States. The people of Mexico, and indeed in all of these countries, are tired of dealing with the unreasonable level of corruption throughout every level of their government. Removing drugs from the equation at this point is like taking a leg out under a three-legged chair. He advocates an environment where drugs are not legal, in order to protect youth against both abuse and their own choices that may cause them to become unmotivated, but recognizes that prison sentences are unjustified as a way to support such a system. (p. 34) Husak finds no compelling reason for imprisoning drug users. There are several reasons why marijuana, also known as weed, should not be legalized. Making it legal will mean more people will use it including young people and more people will become addicted. It is hard to imagine a world in which the United States government would spend $1 trillion solely on eliminating poverty and improving education to prevent people from turning to drugs; but if the Federal government would only imagine the possibilities, they may begin to change their minds and attitudes on the legalization of drugs. Call: 07970 28 35 29| Email: Info@Gurmattherapy.com. There also are racial and ethnic differences in views of legalizing marijuana. Some of the most overcrowded prisons have seen figures as high as being 50 percent overcrowded. The only issue being argued in Congressional hearings is how much to step up our military support of Mexican President Felipe Calderon. Financial Motivations. Legalisation of drugs could be accompanied by more effective pathways to rehabilitation and support for addicts. WebFurther, if drugs were legalized, dangers to public health from using heroin, cocaine, and marijuana would be greatly reduced since legalizing drugs would probably reduce the use of harmful drugs. Illegal drugs are 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. The violence has not only spilled over as a result of cartel activity but it is inherent in the illegal drug trade in America on its own. In addition to standard philosophical objections to legal moralism, Husak contends that there is no good reason to think that recreational drug use is immoral. The legalization of dangerous drugs like cocaine, meth, and heroin would likely increase rates of addiction and other serious diseases. De Marneffe's "burdens principle" seems to hold the whole society hostage to the objective liberty interests of one individual. Many users therefore share contaminated needles, which transmit HIV, Hepatitis C, and other blood-borne diseases. Punishing adult users so that youth do not begin using drugs and do not suffer from neglect -- which is de Marneffe's position -- is not likely to prevent adolescents from becoming drug users, and even if it did, one would have to show that the harm prevented to the youth justifies imprisoning adults. In November 2012, Colorado and Washington went further, legalizing marijuana under state law for recreational purposes. Web1) Decriminalization benefits public safety and health. WebLegalizing drugs would reduce political and law enforcement corruption. For reformers, this supports the idea that users should be treated, and not imprisoned. Higher supplies usually lead to lower prices. 1) Drug users, it is claimed, should be punished in order. Drug violence is now a fixture of daily live in the lives of the populations of North, Central and South America. Some prisons have excellent substance abuse programs for inmates who are motivated for recovery. Under prohibition, they also risk arrest, fines, loss of professional licenses, and more. In the Netherlands, some cities have been tightening restrictions on cannabis because of this. By the time I began as a drug policy reporter in 2010, I was all in on legalizing every drug, from marijuana to heroin and cocaine. One person who favors the coalescence of the terms "use," "abuse," and "addiction" is John Walters, Kerlikowske's predecessor as Drug Czar in the Bush Administration. Law enforcement will continue to prevent the sale of drugs. Husak finds punishing adolescent users a peculiar way to protect them. These are facts. Oregon is the first state in the country to prioritize drug treatment over punishment. If you are found with small amounts of illicit drugs, you will receive a civil violation, like a traffic ticket. WebThere are several reasons why marijuana, also known as weed, should not be legalized. Instead of being known as the country with the highest education budget and the most qualified workers, America is known as the country with the worlds largest prison population. The fact that criminalization of drug use proves to be counter-productive provides Husak a set of final substantial reasons for decriminalizing use. To the extent prohibition does reduce use drug use, the effect is likely smaller for hard drugs than for marijuana. The drug violence that currently plagues Mexico is only a symptom of the larger problem. Personally, I have no problem with marijuana legalization. For persons who worry about what drug decriminalization means for children, Husak counsels that there is more to fear from prosecution and conviction of youth for using drugs than there is to fear from the drugs themselves. It is even harder to reconcile that the American government would throw 40 years worth of resources into locking up its population rather than into educating and protecting it. Douglas Husak questions the justification for punishing persons who use drugs such as marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. According to Foundations Recovery Network, lessons learned including the following: Lets not make the mistake of thinking that decriminalization is the answer to substance abuse recovery. To date, no realistic cost-benefit analysis has been done, yet proponents keep repeating these groundless claims. As long as there are drug addicts who have to resort to the black market for their drugs, there will be drug-related crimes. Not everything goes. Legalizing harder drugs like heroin would only lead to more addiction and more deaths. Instead of blaming drugs for further drug use, government researchers and drug critics should take a harder look at the socio-economic conditions in which the heaviest drugs users live. Illegal drugs are often cut with toxic substances or other drugs, and the purity and strength of each batch produced can vary enormously. Drug use should be legal since users only harm themselves. Have you heard that Oregon passed a drug decriminalization law? In order to continue its war, the government is required to violate the personal liberties of citizens. Even if the hardest drugsremained illegal, softer drugs would only act as a gateway to moredangerous substances. As he puts it: According to this view, the objective interest of a single adolescent in not losing ambition, motivation and drive justifies the imposition of burdens on other youth and adults who would prefer using drugs. WebMost people assume drugs are illegal because they are dangerous. And a recent poll suggests only about 10 percent of Americans favor legalization of cocaine or heroin. We have paid a high price for this confusion. But criminalizing a medical disease most often makes it worse, not better, and has negative lifelong consequences. . De Marneffe introduces a "burdens principle" which is likely much too strong a commitment to individual interests than could ever be realized in a civil society. of certain drugs a criminal offense, i.e. Web4. Marijuana has so many reasons why it should be legal. WebOpines that legalizing drugs is not a good enough reason to keep them illegal. PROHIBITION DOESNT WORK. Therefore, drugs should not be legalized. Yet amidst these cultural and political shifts, American attitudes and U.S. policy toward other drugs have remained static. But it is one of the closest and most voracious markets currently in existence. A report done by the Federal government suggested that 9.4 percent of the population of the United States has used an illegal drug in the past month. Although Johnny might choose heroin use, his objective interest is for future motivation and ambition that is not harmed by heroin use. The argument itself is simple. Obama's selection of Seattle police chief R. Gil Kerlikowske as American Drug Czar signals the Obama team's rejection of the Bush emphasis on interdicting drug supplies and arresting drug users. Will treating all such people as addicts really improve their and America's situation in regard to drugs? Instead of supporting the people most vulnerable to drug use, the government uses its money to target them in the name of preventing crime. 1581 words Read More To punish one drug-using adolescent in order to prevent a non-using adolescent from using drugs is ineffective and also violates justice. Marijuana is an addictive, gateway drug. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? An overwhelming majority of liberal Democrats (84%) say the same. The group says that police and law enforcement are swamped by the number of non-drug related crimes. The new law will utilize and expand existing treatment providers in the state. In the United States, prescription opioids are legal and regulated. Compromises Judgement 4. California's multibillion dollar sales of marijuana can't be taxed while the State drowns in red ink. It also trains police officers, who are supposed to be protecting citizens, to go to war against civilians suspected of participating in the drug trade. The overcrowded conditions result in deteriorating prison services and as with many other offenders, drug offenders are more likely to leave prisoners willing and able to commit far more serious crimes than when they went in. I think that is okay to legalize it for medical use only because it has been found to cure diseases in some people. Marijuana is an addictive, gateway drug. Meanwhile, some reputable growers, manufacturers, and retailers will refuse to produce or distribute the drug because of standing federal laws and the tort liability that attend to such a dangerous product. Dr. Nancy Snyderman, NBC's medical expert and a cohost on the show, quickly and decisively answered, "No. 79% said that an increase in the number of accidents involving drivers using marijuana is a majorreason for their opposition. Find the activities that interest you and follow them. If you`re connecting with other people who drink a lot or use drugs, this could be a good time to check who you`re spending time with and find other people to connect with who can engage in more positive interests and activities. WebAn overwhelming share of U.S. adults (88%) say either that marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational use by adults (59%) or that it should be legal for medical use only If you need to flag this entry as abusive. 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The weight of this argument is carried by the claim that the badness of drug abuse is sufficient to justify making drug production and sale illegal. Decriminalization is not legalization, and Oregonians won't be seeing cocaine boutiques popping up next to Starbucks. That is the question I have been asked and expect to continue to be asked more than any other after the seismic news that Fox News had fired its highest-rated host, Tucker Carlson. Legalization would increase the number of casual users which, in turn, would increase the Illegal drugs are often cut with toxic substances or other drugs, and the purity and strength of each batch produced can vary enormously. Thanks for reading, please support our sponsors. We can't legalize drugs - despite political, economic, even survival pressures to do so - because of deep underlying American mindsets against drugs, the two primary ones being that we believe continuing drug use is, or causes, a disease, and that parents can't bear to imagine their kids taking drugs. WebAccording to Wilkinson (2013), marijuana needs to be avoided and not legalized because it harms the brain. (p. 70) Finally, punishing drug users likely increases crime rates since those imprisoned for drug use are released with greater tendencies and skills for future criminal activity. While committing a crime must not be condoned, those who are sent to jail for possessing a small amount of cocaine suffer more than just detainment. Drug prohibitionists must face the problem that any "health risk" argument used to distinguish illicit drugs and subject offenders to prison sentences runs up against the known, yet tolerated, health risks of tobacco, as well as the additional health risks associated with incarceration. Even the legalizers` argument that allowing the purchase and use of drugs as freely as Milton Friedman proposes will necessarily lead to less government and other official interference in our lives does not hold. Husak entertains, but cautiously rejects the notion of a system where production and sale of drugs is illegal while use is not a crime. It occurs, in other words,, Ahhh, its that magical time of year when people start to reflect on the last twelve months and, Heart and Mind Counseling, LLC, located in Michigan, offers a variety of counseling services to patients; including addiction,, Opioid addiction is a serious issue and becomes even more serious if a dear person is addicted. He develops a convincing argument that imprisonment is never morally justified for drug use. All rights reserved. Addictive 2. Legalizing recreational marijuana creates a Big Marijuana industry, while boosting illegal marijuana sales and use. A decriminalised drug is not legal, nor strictly illegal, depending on certain circumstances, nor is it necessarily of any better quality as it comes from the same sources as any other illegal drug. Legalising harder drugs like heroinwould only lead to more addiction and more deaths.
This figure assumes a 15 percent tax on marijuana. drugs such as marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. 1. The state and local governments working under executive orders from the federal government spent at least $25 billion dollars out of their own budgets that same year. WebLegalising drugs would make drug use safer, but the bigger impact of moving to a regulated drug market is that it would end the chaos, violence and corruption caused by the criminal networks that run the illicit drug trade. In fact, they will continue to use them whether it is legal or not.');(playerPro=window.playerPro||[]).push(i);})(); Dave is a voracious reader and ferocious writer of top 10 lists. Why not? Over eight-in-ten (84%) say it should be legal in all or most cases, while just 15% say it should be illegal. WebIt sounds simple: legalize all drugs, the prices will drop, the associated killing and violence will go away, and we will all live happily ever after. Gallup recently released more polling about marijuana, this time focusing on the arguments for and against legalization. Volume 59, Issue 3 July 2000 Pages 525-536 Download PDF If drugs were legalized, there would be less of a need for groups and individuals to carry weapons of any kind to protect themselves against law enforcement. WebThis should be reason enough to make all drugs illegal. Especially noteworthy was a newfound majority support for legalization among Republicans and Americans aged 55 and older. They should visit the babies abandoned by cocaine- But the reasons arent related to their relative risk or harm. Doesn't Solve Anything Treatment For Alcohol Abuse From 1920 to 1933, the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages was illegal in the United States. On the other side, Peter de Marneffe justifies making drug production and sale illegal based upon the diminishment of future interests of young people. The book provides philosophical argumentation that should stimulate a societal conversation about the justifiability of current drug laws. All rights reserved Gurmat therapy Davinder Singh Panesar 2020, 10 Reasons Why Drugs Should Not Be Legalized. Gallup found that just over half of supporters, 56%, say that tax revenue for state and local governments is a very important reason for legalization. How to Identify the Signs of Opioid Addiction? It showed a 1.1percent increase from a similar study done in 2002. tobacco alone is responsible for more deaths than alcohol, cocaine, heroin, homicide, suicide, fires, care accidents, and aids combined. Black markets generate corruption, too, since participants have a greater incentive to bribe police, prosecutors, judges, and prison guards. The time served is not the only growing trend in prison sentencing. Not so with marijuana. To argue for drug decriminalization, as Husak does, is not necessarily to argue for legalization of drugs. And more help will be available. To cope with this, the body compensates by adjusting its chemistry in terms of hormones, neurotransmitters and other substances. 5 Reasons Why Alcohol Should Be Illegal Or Banned 1. As part of the law, the Oregon Health Authority is providing new resources and treatment options, funded in part by the states cannabis tax revenue. Yet, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, overdose deaths from prescription drugs have reached epidemic levels. Accordingly, children in an environment where heroin is legal will be subjected to neglect by heroin using parents and, if they themselves use heroin, they will be harmed by diminished motivation for achievement for the remainder of their lives. LEAP also complains about what it considers to be overspending in the area of narcotics. one deserving punishment. WebA new survey finds that 53% favor the legal use of marijuana, while 44% are opposed. On the contrary, if the use of narcotics and stimulants were to become virtually universal, which is by no means impossible, the number of situations in which mandatory checks on persons would have to be carried out for reasons of public safety would increase enormously. Legalization would free up billions of dollars the government currently spends on police, courts and corrections to wage the war on drugs, and bring in significant tax revenues. Over 8,400 people died in Europe in 2015 of drug overdoses. If drugs were legalized, they could be standardized and regulated. Click Here! Legalize and regulate non-medical use of all drugs, prioritizing opioids. Of course, the constitution does not entitle the American public to get high as they please. According to de Marneffe's analysis, however, harsh prison penalties currently imposed on drug offenders are unjustified. Legalizing marijuana would slash drug-related crime, they assert. FAA overruled engineers to let Boeing 737 Max keep flying, report alleges. Always free and confidential. The present war on drugs has not and will not produce a decisive victory. De Marneffe centers his argument on heroin. During the height of prohibition on alcohol, there were more social problems and more drunkenness in society than ever before. WebThere are several reasons why drugs should not be legalized. 1. You could also rid the government of its entire 2014 trade deficit. One study found that more than 30 percent of adults who used marijuana in the course of a year became dependent on it, exhibiting compulsive behavior and signs of withdrawal. A RAND Corporation study subsequently found these projections were riddled with unfounded assumptions. Those opposed also fear a general increase in drug usage with "leading people to use stronger and more addictive drugs" and legal marijuana "encouraging more people to use it" cited as very important reasons for opposition by 69% and 62% of opponents respectively.
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