does girl scout cookie money go to planned parenthood
Youd be wrong, though, if you thought all BSA troops were scouting. Her efforts also include educating others to destigmatize access to womens healthcare. The reality is, womens healthcare is not stigmatized. Associated Press. Its question was followed by multiple links suggesting Girl Scouts have joined with Planned Parenthood, and the non-profit benefits from some of the cookie revenue. Parents or guardians make all decisions regarding program participation that may be of a sensitive nature. This is not helping women. ordered the procedure. "When it reaches my desk, you know it's bad," Burton said. Activity Zone. Not to God! No matter which cookie variety you gravitate toward, you can feel good about where the profits are headed the next time you snag a box. The claims are unfounded. The Girl Scouts of Southwest Texaswebsite saysthe sharing of the article "was not to endorse any of the women featured, but to highlight the source's acknowledgement of women who made a mark in 2013.". Your email address will not be published. Each member organization creates its own programs and pursues advocacy efforts based on the needs and issues affecting girls in its individual country. All because they support Planned Parenthood? The Girl Scouts of the USA has repeatedly denied any partnership with Planned Parenthood, and there is no evidence that it has endorsed individual politicians. Thats also when Pro-Life Action League, a Chicago-based group whose name is on the image in this Facebook post,got involvedin the cookie boycott. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Did GSUSA distribute a Planned Parenthood brochure at a United Nations event? World Association of Girl Guides and Girls Scouts (WAGGGS): Dont be fooled into thinking your Girl Scouts dues go solely into local coffers. The organization also promotes abortion activists as heroines, including Hillary Clinton and former pro-abortion TexaslegislatorWendy Davis. Using GSs own assertions is akin to having the fox guard the hen house. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Harassment of Girl Scouts is inextricable from the larger issue of sexism in American culture, parents and troop leaders say. Behind the speakers platform was one of those huge blue PPFA signs. Snopes is no longer a reliable debunking resource. A viral memory claims that Girl Scouting cookies support Planned Parenthood, but the organization says it has no relationship or union with Planned Parenthood. Texas, bought ads on a local Christianity radio station vocation for a boycott concerning Girl Scout cookies. Girls wear the WAGGGS pin to represent their connection to the worldwide sisterhood of Girl Scouting and Girl Guiding. Former Girl Scout. These are just some of the many documented connections. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Althoughindividualgirls dont hold membership in WAGGGS, her larger troop (through association with GSUSA) does. "Especially in America, I think there's this idea that we associate sin or indulgence with desserts. GS helped found "My chronically dieting mother allowed me one half of a Girl Scout cookie per week when I was a child," wrote one. They come to your door, or stand outside Wal-Mart, fresh faced, smiling little girls, selling their cookies. NFCYM themselves are promoting pro-abortion organizations right on their official NFCYM website. It actively monitors the fake-news ecosystem and doesnt wait for reader tips or reports before getting started on a story. The Girl Scouts are intentionally introducing our girls to Very, Very Adult topics. Girl Scouts of the United States of America. The council later terminated its affiliation with the sex-ed program. When the Girl Scouts are promtoing pro-abortion role models and resources to our daughters through offiical Girl Scout events, curriculum, and online resources. Nearly two decades ago, a single Girl Scout council in Texas put its name and logo on a Planned Parenthood brochure for a sex-ed program that did not have anything to do with clinical services such as abortion. The current price of a box is $5, and according to GSUSA, all profits benefit local Girl Scout councils, funding activities like outdoor programs, STEM experiences, and travel. Sign up for notifications from Insider! If you do, the money will be directed toward purchasing cookies that will be given to a food kitchen or shipped to our military troops. A portion also goes back to. Are girl membership dues used to pay the WAGGGS quota? One Girl Scouts robotics team in central Texas used their skills to 3D-print face shields for frontline workers who needed them. We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCAs and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country, to bring information-based sex education programs to girls.". our performance. What is Girl Scouts' position on serving transgender youth? When I worked at Planned Parenthood, we had a tight relationship with the Girl Scouts. I support Planned Parenthood over pedophiles any day. And I have no issues with camping in general or father-son camping in particular. Recent evidence of a GSUSA partnership with pro-abortion activism is in a November 2018 Tucson Life article featuring Meagan Gopalas quest for the Gold Award, the Girl Scouts highest honor. Some version of that claim has been going around for years. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. According to the organization, the Girl Scouts of the USA typically sell God Bless all whose efforts went to shed light on this evil. If the GS wanted to truly empower young women, they would cut their ties with Planned Parenthood and groups that are clearly pro-abortion, she said. An opinion piece dated March 22, 2018 on encouraged readers to "say no" to Girl Scout cookies over "ties" to Planned Parenthood (although it did not repeat the claim that proceeds of cookie sales go to fund that organization). What is Girl Scouts of the USA's position regarding human sexuality, birth control, and abortion? As to the conspiracy theory claim, the connection between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood is well established and has been for many years. Planned parenthood enables pedophiles and pimps that traffic minor girls. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; KABAR2, youre right, of course, but there are simply too many illicit connections and actions by GS to fit them into one post. - Catholic Life In Our Times, Beware the Red Kettle - The Salvation Army and Abortion : Catholic Stand, On the extreme feminism of the Girl Scouts organization and a few thoughts on American Heritage Girls as an alternative. Girl Scouts of USA will also collect a royalty payment based on its licensed trademark for every box. Girl Scouts constantly reviews our materials based on feedback and suggestions we receive from our members, and we update our materials on a regular basis. WebJan 21, 2016 The claim that Girl Scout Cookie sales fund Planned Parenthood became popular in mid-2015 and e Read More Did Macy's Pull Support from Planned Parenthood? From scholarships to exposure to STEM and other fields of study, Girl Scouts shapes young girls into women who will become the future of women in our country. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) does not take a position or develop materials on these issues. "When you're standing at a cookie booth for an hour- or two-hour shift, or you're delivering cookies to someone's house, the accumulation of seemingly harmless jokes really adds up," Hanson said. Second, in addition to Planned Parenthood being tax-exempt, they are also taxpayer-funded. NO. The denials and deception continue, however. Find quick answers to frequently asked questions about Girl Scouts of the USA's position on social issues. GSUSA gets a royalty fee for each box of cookies, which based upon their most recent IRS 990 form was over nine-million dollars. To those whose response is to say that my troop is clean I urge you to think again. For Girl Scouts You are encouraging people to stop supporting programs for local girls in your community and instead support large companies such as Keebler which most definitely do not need your financial support. from the Girl Scouts as fact and not really using the real facts that many mothers have worked relentlessly to find. "The most aggressive comments were about sugar, and really frightening the girls about things like diabetes or other health conditions.". There, the connection has been made! Planned Parenthood and sex education. Another 22% of the total box goes toward troop proceeds and "girl rewards," meaning the patches and little gifts scouts receive for selling certain amounts of cookies. We support the right of faith leaders to verify that program delivered to girls in their places of worship is consistent with their faith's teachings. Its an image as American as apple pie, yet the Girl Scout (GS) cookies may finally be crumbling. Fact briefs are short, credibly sourced summaries that offer yes/no answers in response to claims found online. The troop I was involved with as a boy was undisciplined and informal mess, with little done by the book. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Required fields are marked *. In 2004, the leader of an anti-abortion group in Waco, Texas, took out ads on Christian radio to protest a "cozy relationship" between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood. "I think they get harassed because they're girls," said Liz Franke, a third-generation Girl Scout in Princeton, N.J., who serves as her daughter's troop leader. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Remember Jesus, the guy who died for you? On a local level, some Girl Scout troops have used their cookie profits to make a big difference in their communities. But one social media post makes the false claim that the popular pastries represent controversy. "Until the Girl Scouts stop supporting Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion politicians, this pro-life family wont be buying their cookies." to debunk misinformation shared on the social media network. LifeSiteNews. Girl Scout troops set goals for how to spend their proceeds on program-related activities, such as paying their own way to a community event or museum or funding other program outings. There is more to scouting than camping and manly skills. To verify this, we talked to the Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Girls Scouts CEO Brian Newberry and Paul Dillon with Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho. The cookie season officially runs from January to April, with the details depending on your area. In Bryson's council, two adults are required to volunteer for each shift at a cookie booth, and girls can have them take over a conversation if they feel uncomfortable. (and from a good Catholic family ) decided on the advice of her doctor to have what The church moves slowly but with the continued prayer and grass roots efforts of those exposing and being the watchdogs I am prayerful that action will come to fruition. WebAll of the revenue from cookie activitiesevery pennies next paying the bakerstays with the Girl Scout council. And so we left." They were to have been named the Scouts of St. George, but BSA aggressively defends its legal monopoly on a variety of names and symbols, including the words scout and scouting. ", A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center, Days earlier, in response to Pisciottas call for a boycott, the Bluebonnet Council ofGirl Scouts, which oversees troops in theWacoarea and 13 other counties, announced that it would not be affiliated withPlanned Parenthoodsex-education programs this year, the Associated Press. And because most troop leaders are women, people "think that perhaps, you know, a female leader is also not going to give them what for. Abortion is healthcare whether you like it or not. Beyond PP, there is are real concerns with other issues important to Catholics within GS. Later in the show, Pisciotta announced that he had ended his boycott. Become a Volunteer. Your email address will not be published. The Girl Scouts also financially supports a group called the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), which advocates for abortion for underage girls. A Feb. 4poston Facebook says Girl Scouts support "Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion politicians." When questioned about the affiliation on NBCs Today Show, Girl Scout CEO Kathy Cloninger had no compunction in confirming it. It scouts for trending stories, images, videos and posts that contain false information in order to fact check them as quickly as possible. Skip Navigation Share on Facebook We dont have to physically hand money to an abortionist to be complicit in promoting abortion. The Waco-area council had put its name and logo on Planned Parenthood brochures that advertised sex-education programs, and also had given a "woman of distinction" award to a Planned Parenthood executive. God bless and keep up the good fight. Girl Scouts of the USA has no relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood, and has not endorsed any person or organization. In the same vein, some of the Girl Scout alternatives mentioned above namely 4-H and Little Flowers arent scouting either. However, the rumor had previously spread widely in 2012, after Fox News reprinted a (since-deleted) opinion piece from LifeSiteNews that stated (in part): When our sweet little neighbor in her brown camp uniform came knocking on our door this year, we had to say no. Johnson encouraged parents to consider other options for their girls, such as American Heritage Girls and the Little Flowers Girls Club. A: One hundred percent of the net proceeds from Girl Scout Cookie sales is retained by the originating council and troop to power amazing experiences for girls and influential girl-led community projects. This was evidentin their recent promotion for the pro-abortion documentary,MAKERS. One of the missing puzzel peices not mentioned is that the Girl Scouts skip arm & arm with the LGTB comunity and through the Girl Scouts this is what is let into churches and the comunity.. reason enough to ban the GSA from your building. In 2010, GSUSA took part in the 54th Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations. "If they're approaching it from that place, they haven't met the leaders that I work with, because they will defend their girls, claws out, if they have to," she said. Snopes is known to be quite liberal as well. "Although we continue to explore alternatives, currently, there are no viable or readily available alternatives for use in the production of Girl Scout Cookies. I dont see that as being a useful standard to apply. A: Whales have been dying at an unusual rate along the Atlantic Coast since 2016, often from ship strikes or entanglements with fishing gear. Those stories written by news organizations, not by the Girl Scouts included some politicians who support abortion rights. I hit on the link MAKERS and came away with the story of Mia, a 42 yr old single who Any person can make claims to diminish the character of an organization or of a person. Very left leaning to say the least! The Bishop are listening to the NFCYM which is the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry. If we dont, who will? Girl Scout counties our a wide variety of recognition items, The tremendous amount of negatives happening in the Girl Scouts, by far out weigh any positives. Leah has a degree in news media and English from The University of Alabama. Nearly 12 percent of the fund goes to its Troop to Troop program benefiting local troops. No, all of the money from Girl Scout cookie activities stays at councils. The New York Times. So for every box of Tagalongs you pick up, a few dollars might go to contributing to a food drive or subsidizing a Girl Scouts camping trip so that everyone, no matter their parents' income, can participate in a troop activity. Whats done with that money isnt up to you or your daughter. Once we become aware of illicit alliances, we become culpable. The national organization also has not Girl Scouts is the largest voice for, and advocate for girls across the country. With this much evidence, turning a blind eye is now the only option for those who stillrefuse tosee the clearly outlined facts. Rajan said her daughter had no idea what she was talking about, and the adults were too shocked to respond..