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house joint resolution 192 of 1933

But if you have been learning towards becoming an SPC anyway, with your will and intent to take control/sovereignty over your own LEGAL NAME/BIRTH CERTIFICATE NAME for all the correct reasons stated above (avoiding court, protecting assets, controlling your estate, abandoning the SSN contract, etc), then and only then will it be appropriate to talk about discharging your (certain) debts with the HJR 192 process. Statt werthaltigem Gold gab es seitdem nur noch KREDIT und das hat sich bis heute nicht gendert. Two months after the Executive Order, on June 5, 1933, the Senate and House of Representatives, 73d Congress, 1st session, at 4:30 P.M. approve House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR-192) A Joint Resolution to suspend the Gold Standard and abrogate the Gold Clause, Joint resolution to assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the United States. Wie sich inzwischen lngst herausgestellt hat, ist diese Begrndung im krassen Widerspruch zur erklrten Politik des Kongresses, den Dollar fr alle Zeiten wertstabil zu halten. As a result, US currency (referred to as "Federal Reserve Notes") is perceived as Am 21. They can lie cheat and steal from you and you have no rights because you are owned by them. When this is done, there is no checks, bonds, money orders, or promissory notes required, nor should their be if you overstand what I just explained. On June 5th, 1933 the UNITED STATES congress passed House Joint Resolution 192 which served as a declaration of bankruptcy. SEC. Vacancies All seats in the House of Representatives are currently filled. Its also possible, you wont be able to get a federally-insured mortgage loan to buy a home, and since almost all mortgages through financial institutions today are FDIC insured, you may be blacklisted with them also. L. 99-185, set Das Angebot bestand darin, dass die Bankster auf alle Rckzahlungen aller Schulden verzichten wrden und sogar noch eine Sozialversicherung obenauf packen, wenn die Geburtsurkunden aller Amerikaner als Schuldverschreibung an die Banken bergeben werden. June 5, 6, 1933 H.J.R. Die Vereinigten Staaten sind seitdem kein Staat im herkmmlichen Sinn mehr. Section 3. emergency by increasing agricultural purchasing power, to raise revenue for extraordinary expenses incurred by reason of such emergency, to provide Another way of explaining this is they abandon their U.S. Citizen (SSN #) and instead, going forward, only contract for employment or contractor relationships (1099) with their irrevocable common law trust. Dieses Problem wurde mit der HJR192 gelst so wird zumindest behauptet. power of the Congress to regulate the value of money of the United States, and are inconsistent with the declared policy of the Congress to maintain Auszug aus dem Buch "Freiheit durch Wahrheit". Also please study what it says in the United States Code on what is the definition of being considered a United States Citizen. L. 104-208 inserted at end 0 Note to Reader: Portions have been redacted to only show HJR 192. AMENDMENTS 1997 - Subsec. %%EOF interest. hb```f``d`a`da@ & sO\&*^Ld Jf i`3@W14#wC%h` (k House Joint Resolution #192. as passed by the 73rd Congress on June 5, 1933. INDEX TO APPUNDICES APPENDIX A: Filing of Personal Rstraint Petition 10/04/16), Supreme Court No. involving the effect or validity of a change in the metallic The Ofce of the Comptroller of the Currency (or OCC) is executive order 6102 forbidding the hoarding of gold coins, gold bullion and certificates. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. Der Act of 1871 ist als die Verfassung fr die Regierung des District of Columbia zu verstehen. Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. any proceeding of any nature whatsoever" are omitted as surplus. So, the financial advantages of becoming a secured party creditor are certainly significant for most. (d)(2). PUBLIC NOTICE: This document is from the government printing office, a public document without copyrights for House Joint Resolution 192 from June 5, 1933 This is the New Deal that Roosevelt, 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Original 1933-06-05 House Joint Resolution-192 For Later. With this executive order Roosevelt ordered that most of the gold money. . 1229. The filing office may accept payment via electronic funds transfer under National Automated Clearing House Association ("NACHA") rules from remitters who have entered into appropriate NACHA-approved arrangements for such transfers and who authorize the relevant transfer pursuant to such arrangements and rules. Da die Menschen dem Staat ihr gesamtes Eigentum bertragen hatten und zudem noch als lebenslanges Pfand den Kopf hinhalten mussten, richtete der Staat grozgigerweise eine Sozialversicherung fr mittellose Menschen ein, um diese zu versorgen. Begrndet wurde der Schritt damit, dass die Macht des Kongresses behindert wrde, den Wert und die Menge des Geldes zu regulieren. the enforceability of a Gold Clause contained in any obligation . Sie wurde durch die Umgestaltung bestimmter Begriffe soweit verndert, dass seitdem der wirtschaftliche Aspekt und die damit verbundenen wirtschaftlichen Kapazitten im Vordergrund stehen. Unser Unternehmensziel ist, die Form des Regierens nach rmischem Zivilrecht und nach dem Admiralty Law, welches auch als Divine Right of Kings bekannt ist oder als Law of the Seas. If you read the supreme court case Hale v Henkle you will see that you give up your freedom and sovereignty when you take a federal benefit anyway, most of my clients have phased out of this and/or refuse to accept any benefits. In 1933 the United States put its insurance policy into place with House Joint Resolution 192 and recorded it in the Congressional Record. My promise to you is that if I take you as my client my helpful staff and I will move you forward from beginning to end, holding your hand the entire way. However, theres also a chance that whatever business endeavors you are doing now, honestly and faithfully, you or your coworkers may have done something wrong or illegal and you will get visited asking questions or interviewed regardless. 1, 48 Stat. Scary as this sounds you can break free by becoming a Secured Party Creditor. October 27, 1977. expended" and "shall be available for or expended in", and the The Federal Government took away our lawful money (silver & gold) in 1933 but Congress had to provide the people a "remedy." Public Law: "Chap. On March 9, 1933, House Joint Resolution No. purportedly occurred in 1933. Download or read book Give Yourself Credit written by Nancy Compton and published by Lulu.com. Or they would not visit people at their homes (on occasion) to scare people? In 1863 the rst Bank Act was passed. authority of the United States, is hereby repealed, but the repeal of any such provision shall not invalidate any other provision or authority contained in such law. In clause (C), the words "or demand" are omitted as surplus. such provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation hereafter incurred. On June 5th, 1933 the UNITED STATES congress passed House Joint Resolution 192 which served as a declaration of bankruptcy. The fact that virtually no one is aware of this remedy or how to use it is all part of the government's scheme-if no Do not sell or share my personal information. The words "whether by way of suit, counterclaim, set-off, 2 TO FORM S-1 REGISTRATION STATEMENT UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT Amendment by Pub. issued after October 27, 1977 if the enforceability of that Gold Now, therefore, be itResolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that (a) every provision contained in or made with respect to any . @F ,`@?,Qe`}Hr74;R#IyU &M Treasury for exchange (dollar for dollar) for other United You have to be responsible for your own due diligence and tax preparation but almost all of our clients wind up paying taxes differently, by preventing their U.S. Citizen from receiving any income, closing all its bank accounts and ceasing all its contracts replacing it with their EIN number trust instead. content of the dollar or in a regulation about the value of 113. KjBDKl~:1(F b`. Wie man und fr dumm verkauft und als Pfand handelt! Durch dieses Gesetz wurde eine vllig andere Form der Regierung geschaffen. 2. Hiring an accountant for the first year is highly recommend, and reading a basic accounting book like Accounting for Dummies within the first year or two will be very helpful for you, so that you can instruct your accountant what you like them to do. The word "claim" is substituted for "right, privilege, or power" In 1933, the government provided just such a remedy with House Joint Resolution 192, and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) provides the means for a person to implement it. There are several other websites selling similar things that we do, or at least mere promises of what we can actually do. Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. Stamp a copy with text to the effect: "accepted for value, all related endorsements, front and back, in accordance with House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933"; 4. Your email address will not be published. This is important that I screen you because I do not know you. Das Eigentum des originren Staates wanderte in die Hnde auslndischer Unternehmen und die ursprngliche Verfassung von 1787 wurde in den Mlleimer verfrachtet. parties to the assignment or novation specifically agree to 3) 5118(d) 31:463. payment in , (B) a particular United States coin or currency; or. 4(c), 91 Stat. 192. (d) Gold coin and bullion licensed for the other proper transactions (not involving hoarding) including gold coin and gold bullion imported for the re-export or held pending action on applications for export license. house joint resolution 192 1933. house joint resolution 192 june 5, 1933. hjr 192 was repealed on sept. 13 1982. is hjr 192 still in effect. dollar for dollar. Deutschland fllt also eindeutig unter US-Amerikanische Jurisdiktion. The Emergency Banking Act . 48, Sec. 112, Public Policy found at House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 . If you default on your debt, you your money property and kids can all be Repossessed. Applications for such extensions must be made in writing under oath; addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury and filed with a Federal reserve bank. Zur gleichen Zeit gab Prsident Roosevelt die Executive Order 6102 heraus. 31:315b. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and empowered to issue such further regulations as he may deem necessary to carry the purposes of this order and to issue licenses there under, through such officers or agencies as he may designate, including licenses permitting the Federal reserve banks and member banks of the Federal Reserve System, in return for an equivalent amount of other coin, currency or credit, to deliver, earmark or hold in trust gold coin or bullion to or for. BC Bond For a video and article covering this topic more go here: Introduced in House (03/08/2021) This resolution expresses support for . In subsection (c)(3), the words "may be expended" are Dieses Gesetz ging als. Do your best to research and find these answers and then be able to explain the answers to us in your own words, and we will consider if you are fit to become a secured party creditor, which entails waiving your US Citizenship. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, do declare that said national emergency still continues to exist and pursuant to said section to do hereby prohibit the hoarding gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States by individuals, partnerships, associations and corporations and hereby prescribe the following regulations for carrying out the purposes of the order: Section 1. uniform dollar for dollar basis", to eliminate unnecessary Den kostenlosen Anspruch an die Sozialversicherung zur Rundumversorgung haben bis heute nur die als verschollen angesehenen Menschen. I would rather maintain your relationship by cautioning you and you respecting the caution, and have many choose not to do our process, and possibly refer someone out of appreciation for our honesty, months or years later, rather than lie to you to get your money right now. Section 4. Perhaps you are or are not ready yet to become a secured party? It has no force of law, but it does clearly express . (b) The United States Government may not pay out any gold %PDF-1.5 As one of the people, the grantors and beneficiaries of the constitution, you have a right of equitable relief because when the government took the peoples property and gold away in 1933, via House Joint Resolution 192 and the National Emergency Act, the people can assert the right to equitable relief. 1st Session. 112, was passed by Congress on June 5, 1933. It is safe to also say that if you are an employee or contractor with a certain financial institution or federal government and you wish to stick it to the man and discharge your debt with them, they will probably fire or terminate your contract. This made it illegal to demand lawful money for the payment of debt. emergency relief with respect to agricultural indebtedness, to provide for the orderly liquidation of joint-stock land banks, and for other purposes", no coins may be issued or sold under section 5112(i) of this Juni 1933 wirklich verbirgt, wissen selbst bis heute nur die Wenigsten. are omitted as executed. Im Laufe der Zeit verschwanden auf diese Weise die eigentliche Republik und die originren Bundesstaaten immer mehr. novation of such obligation after October 27, 1977, unless all Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. at 759. You have to be very cautious and only introduce the most open minded people to this. hbbd``b`Z$YAg H|d100&7` 938), are omitted as Es war fr die Amerikaner das Jahr der Insolvenz, das Jahr der Enteignung und das Jahr der Versklavung. . 1996." 1985 - Subsec.(b). Again I need to emphasize that to do the debt discharge process you need to first become a Secured Party Creditor and this involves waiving and reclarifying you are a citizen of your state republic such as the California republic and NOT UNITED STATES. are omitted as executed. What the government Diese verbot das Horten von Goldmnzen, Goldbarren und Goldzertifikaten. L. 99-185 effective Oct. 1, 1985, except that Das Gespenst der Weltwirtschaftskrise hatte seinen Hhepunkt erreicht. Sponsor: Rep. Matsunaga, Spark M. [D-HI-1] (Introduced 01/15/1973) Committees: House - Science and Astronautics: Latest Action: House - 01/15/1973 Referred to House Committee on Science and . $96.50: PHD-LAW 3: Treaty of Peace and Friendship with Morocco 1786/1787 (the same). Note to Reader: Portions have been redacted to only show HJR 192. The words "in President of the Senate pro tempore; HENRY T. RAINEY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. CREDITORS to the U.S. bankruptcy. coin. At the same time President Roosevelt issued Specifically the US Code on this is at https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1401 but there are several other websites that may assist you in emphazing and interpreting the code, such as http://notapersonorcitizen.blogspot.com/, http://freedom-school.com/ , http://famguardian.org/subjects/Freedom/Freedom.htm, and www.SEDM.org, that will assist you in seeing the conclusions that I have drawn, which is that you are NOT a U.S. Citizen unless you wish to make that declaration and that you can also declare that you are not at any time. The words "referred to in this section" are omitted as surplus. House Joint Resolution #192. as passed by the 73rd Congress on June 5, 1933. The Emergency Banking Act succeeded in abrogating America's gold standard . endstream endobj 660 0 obj <>/Metadata 38 0 R/PageLabels 653 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 655 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/StructTreeRoot 44 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 661 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 662 0 obj <>stream hb```s|ab`ah`hX9ek,=:E4jx P$ Er hatte die Nationalbank verboten, weshalb auf ihn mehrere Attentate verbt wurden, jedoch erfolglos. As time goes on, if you get audited, you show all your bank records and receipts and you will win and they will leave you alone. August 27, 1935, or which may be commenced by January 1, 1936" Legal Tender. The last sentence of paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of section 43 of the Act entitled "An Act to relieve the existing national economic So in conclusion, if you just looking for Debt Relief to help pay bills then our organization UCL is not for you. In subsection (d)(1), the words "including every obligation of Since House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR 192) (Public law 7310) was passed in 1933 we have only had debt, because all property and gold were seized by the government as collateral in the bankruptcy . parties to the assignment or novation specifically agree to (C) arising out of the surrender, requisition, seizure, or of the restatement. Please make sure to read www.WhatIsASecuredParty.com to learn more about becoming a Secured Party Creditor. . of payment. Act of August 27, 1935 (ch. When you assert the right to discharge, it is done. An Executive Order issued on April 5, 1933 paving the way for the withdrawal of gold in the United States. Was sich hinter der House Joint Resolution 192 vom 5. of the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of Whereas the holding of or dealing in gold affect the public interest, and therefore subject to proper regulation and restriction; and. persons showing the need for same for any of the purposes specified in paragraphs (a), (c), and (d) of Section 2 of these regulations. . So getting back to HJR 192 --- this . Clause has been finally adjudicated before the date of enactment . HUXU~3D@AQq0IaQ3E@If eTD4eUh-KinZ]"0iZyC }3\Vm}:;pC >,.$,,9*5lQ JSW" Section 5. Yes there are a lot of scams out there and those websites are overgeneralizing and obviously will use any example or excuse to disuade people from moving forward with a process that is as powerful as this. An Act to provide relief in the existing national emergency in banking, and for other purposes~'. 66 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1BE85D0D3767D441B217D821DAA05B6D>]/Index[60 15]/Info 59 0 R/Length 53/Prev 36972/Root 61 0 R/Size 75/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Embargo on Gold Payments and Exports, and Limitations on Foreign Exchange Transactions. House Joint Resolution 192 73rd CONGRESS, SESS. Any such provision contained in any law authorizing obligations to be issued by or under Congressman James Trafficant Detaling the Nature of The US Bankruptcy on the Congressional Record, United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. Die Brger wurden mit hohen Geld- und Haftstrafen bedroht, sollten sie gegen dieses Statut verstoen. revised title and with other titles of the United States Code. (A) gold; (B) a particular United States coin or currency; or. 2014-08-23 06:57:59. L. 95-147, Sec. Sovereign citizens believe the US declared bankruptcy when the USG was removed from the gold standard. Aber all das ist auch legal per Gesetz. may be lawfully acquired and are legal tender for public and with interest to the date of payment or to prior maturity or to 10] To ensure uniform values to the coins and currencies of the United States. 0 All das ist raffiniert und bewiesen durch die schne lange Sozialversicherungsnummer. Kommt Ihnen diese Bezeichnung bekannt vor. Note to Reader: Portions have been redacted to only show HJR 192. Common Law Copyright 2018. House Joint Resolution #192 as passed by the 73rd Congress on June 5, 1933 What Follows is an Actual Copy of HJR 192 as Originally Printed by the United States Government Printing Office in 1934. Voucher forms for this purpose may be procured from Federal reserve banks. Seit damals sind amerikanische Brger zu Schuldner-Sklaven geworden. Note to Reader: Portions have been redacted to only show HJR 192. Id. House Joint Resolution. Most Secured Party Creditors are able to avoid all withholdings from their paychecks, and have many more tax advantages by using their trust as an asset protection trust, which is taxes as an irrevocable trust, rather than as a U.S. Citizen/Strawman Trust. under regulations prescribed by the Secretary. (1) "gold clause" means a provision in or related to an A 14th amendment slave/citizen who has been granted privileges by the government, who has been Granted freedom still has a noose around his/her necks, and the government can change the rules on you at any time and set up other restrictions and not even tell you what they are. [audio:https://understandcontractlawandyouwin.com/audios/Discharging-Student-Loan-&-Other-Debt-With-HJR-192-PART-2.mp3], Part 3 of 3 on Discharging Debt: An diesem ominsen Tag servierte der Kongress der Bevlkerung in einer gemeinsamen Resolution (HJR 192) eine Bankrotterklrung. So you dont want to tell people who can not discern and/or who are not on the ascension path and/or skeptical or who will instantly believe anything on a government website. demanding payments in Gold (constitutional money) or in any particular form would now be against public policy. HJR 192 wurde verabschiedet, um den Goldstand auszusetzen und die Goldklausel in der nationalen Verfassung One of the advantages of being a Secured Party Creditor is asserting your right as one of we the people of one of the united States of America the constitutional republic. to eliminate unnecessary words. The text of 31:315b(proviso) is omitted as unnecessary because The HJR-192 folder contains documents relating to accessing and using our own value as of right to set-off all obligation by simply indorsing all bills, since these are in fact actually credit vouchers in disguise, per the terms of the June 5,1933 House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR-192).

Commissary Bagger Application, Articles H

house joint resolution 192 of 1933