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heaven and hell testimonies

Jim was not a Christian before this experience and even considered religion a crutch. I guess you have to look at the glass as half full not half empty. You can feel better in such a case, knowing that the LORD knows the truth and He will repay if the person does not repent. LONDON, Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Various biblical teachings ignite different emotions when it comes to the subject of heaven and hell. Amen brother! I tried to pull back and break the hold it had on me but it was too powerful.Before I could blink, I knew thisit was too late. Lived in Hell. I certainly understand events ocur that are unexplainable. Ian felt waves of love wash over him, and knew for the first time in His life that God is indeed love - true love. But everything was immediate. Linda Paul Rika. After sharing his experience with anyone who would listen, he recorded the entire saga in his first book, 23 Minutes in Hell. because of this enlightenment but then When she started CPR she was certain Alec was dead. His whole life changes after his NDE and he now . Which side you end up on is based on what you did for the least of His brethren!!! Hes talking about consequences for the purpose of setting the person on the right track, not eternal damnation. 5:14; Deut. I knew all of the scriptures on Hell, how much information was provided to me in the Bible about it, and how those scriptures fit with the rest of the Bible. After Matthew was shot in the head, doctors decided to put him in a medically induced coma to save his life. I dont know how to explain just how panicked I was, although you may understand a bit if youve ever been lost. Christians that die in the state of venial sin go to purgatory, anyone that dies in Mortal Sin goes to Hell. Why did this happen to me?. False jesus do not have spots of nail, false jesus do not speak of holiness inn and . The man is confusing hell with purgatory. Jesus mentioned to Alec to pay attention to the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant and instructed him about its meaning. I wouldnt just blow off this testimony, it could save a life or two. 23 Minutes in Hell The incredible Testimony of Bill Wiese and his 23 minute trip to Hell. I frantically looked to see who might help me. Many of them are unimportant, but I have memorized them nonetheless. There were doctors there with tears., While Alec is grateful to be alive, he is even more ecstatic about what God is doing. (In our culture, sadly, the concept of falling at someones feet and asking forgiveness is abhorrent. But real Christians end up in hell for not forgiving, thus negating the very notion of being saved that he is talking about, and negating the doctrine of justification through grace by faith. Pray for Lost Souls and one day they will rejoice with you in Heaven. The Bible does not say so. You know how when an accident happens, you keep replaying over in your mind what you could have done differently? This interpretation and reconciliation of these Scriptures/teachings of Christ are confirmed by Matthew 5:23-24, in which Christ instructs us not to make offerings to the Lord God if we know that a fellow believer has a legitimate issue with us: we must seek to be reconciled with our fellow believer (brother) before we make our offerings (monetary, thanksgivings, praises, worship, and so forth) to Him. But it is disobedience if a Christian sins against you and you do not do what Jesus said to. She acknowledged the fact that although she claimed to be a Christian, she failed to show the fruit of her faith. I was like the unmerciful servant in one of Jesus parables (see Matt. Hell is a term that is generally known as a part of Christian theology. Thus not going to hell. I will use you to save others but you will die and go to hell. I experienced many other horrors during this vision, which I talk about further in my book The Hell Conspiracy. In his book, 23 Minutes in Hell, Bill Wiese describes many horrifying sights, smells, and sounds. They put me in the ambulance and took me to the hospital. Father Jose Maniyangat had a near-death-experience in hell after being hit by a drunk driver. One of the most important things I knew is that Hell wasnt created because of human sin and we dont go to Hell because of one particular sin. If I had died in that vision, I would still be there.The fact is that there are many people in Hell. also will be made aware at that very The New world Jesus said all those who believe in the Son of Man will be saved. Because they would not love and obey God. People go to Hell because they refuse to be in a relationship with God. How Much Does It Cost To See A Business Coach? We think someone goes to Hell because they sinned, but really it is about disobeying and disrespecting God. Visit utmostlove.webador.co.uk for more information. She was shown the beauty of Heaven and also many people who ended their lives in the everlasting torments of Hell because of various sins. Format: pdf Size : 165.08 KB. Just to say also that God has revealed in prophetic words that their will be great grace given to humanity in these times its called the Illumination of heaven testimony. (Nehemiahs time). Ian wasn't allowed to stay in heaven and God sent him back, to share his encounter with others and tell them . The fire was so real it was like a million jumbo jets crashed into one place. Bill Wiese. It may take some wrestling in prayer, but dont rest till you know you have forgiven. I was left wondering about Gods actions, who He takes, why and when. I was keenly aware of everything about myself and my body. Just to answer that last post I believe someone was praying for that man in the article & thats why God gave him another chance. I find that praying for the salvation and good of the offender causes God to impart His Love into my heart for the person. Read the full testimony here. Demons comes to them in visions and take the shape of jesus and they are shown false Heaven and Hell. I wouldn't just blow off this testimony, it could save a life or two. This is a question that many Is Hell Hot or Cold? Jim Woodford, a retired pilot from Canada, has an amazing testimony about leaving this earth while he was brain dead for 11 hours and seeing heaven and hell. Christians, if you think Grace alone will save you, youre brainwashed by a false western theology. My child, these houses are ready, I prepared for all My children that believe and are obedient to Me. Then He showed me incomplete houses. There may be a huge, miraculous revival of the christian Faith very soon but the revival could possibly be delaying some decades or centuries later. Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners Romans 5:8. Lot was left behind. AMEN!!! An account of her Second Visit To Hell. same */. Its not like on the earth where innocent people have gone to jail for something they didnt do. I agree with you Mike, I had a revelation a few years ago and although I consider myslef to be an excellent author, I have never been able to find adequate words to describe what occurred, so I dont even try. The holiness had come for me. To say I panicked is an understatement! In 1992, Matthew Botsford got involved in a deadly accident that dramatically changed his life. Muslims terrorist attacks -radical muslims posing as During that time, doctors debated about whether or not to turn off his life support. Less than two weeks later, I would be the first to arrive on the scene of an accident. Usually, the visit is precipitated by some traumatic, life-threatening event, like a medical emergency or car crash. Paralyzed and dying, Ian was rushed to a hospital. Unlike Bill Wiese, Kenneth Hagins experience began when his heart ceased to beat. that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, Help me to enter into Heaven. What you are about to read is one student's account of the group's time spent in Heaven. take over when she finished off Obama works of weakening America, People had nowhere else to go, but hell. He describes his brief encounter with hell as more than physical darkness, there was something else there. The horribleness and pain in Hell accelerated and continued to get worse. Question 5 was: Did you tithe properly?. How much MORE Severely do you think a person (believer) deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the Covenant that SANCTIFIED him, and who has insulted the Spirit of Grace? I could feel a cold eerie feeling as though something or someone was looking at me.. I think it wise to be on the safe side and just go ahead and ask forgiveness, forgive others, make amends and reconcile. Ian McCormacks near-death-experience in hell began with an encounter with a deadly jellyfish. A wonderful and timely testimony timely for our times! I was fully awakened to the terrible reality of this place. He slumped forward on the steering wheel, traffic stopped around him, and a woman came rushing over to his car. We dont like the down emotion either, but by allowing it we become more tenderized to the eternal truth for lost souls. 4:7). Write down everything I show you and tell you said the Lord. If one has an open mind, and are truly open to the Holy Spirit, theyll find the teaching on purgatory in 1st Corinthians 3: 10-15. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.. What To Expect With a Hospice Service When a Loved One Is Dying. While it was not immediate, Matthew Botsford eventually recovered and gave his life over to God. It was attached to me like a suction cup in the area of my chest and began dragging me further into Hell. Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. I knew that my spirit was being demanded to submit. As a practicing orthopedic surgeon, I've spoken publicly and widely about the spiritual and medical implications of my near-death experience. This site and its information is not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of Godand He is interceding for us. Still other passages may seem to suggest that Jesus believe in hell. 1. This man extended his hand and said, Lord forgive me. I asked, Why are you here? He replied, Ill tell you my story. Read through the Book of Acts of Apostles and the Epistles and you will see a very different church from the one you promote: in fact, different from most Protestant churches too, sadly. You know youve forgiven if you can imagine them coming to you and sincerely saying they are sorry, and asking you to forgive them, and in your mind you believe you would. ? The Lord responded, Yes, because these people thought that tithes and offerings were not important, when my Word shows it as a command. In Malachi 3:8-9 it says Will a man rob God? They finally faded away. As we sang an evangelistic song, I felt the presence of holiness come into the room. I believed it was real because I believe the whole Bible is true, but I didnt think that anybody like me would ever go there. February 3, 2021. I continued with my questions, What shall I do on Earth to provide more materials for my home? The angels replied, There are seven things one must do to build up their materials to build their home. He says that God will bring his healing when he isnt a Christian, but his story indicates that God wouldnt bring the healing of those who are unable to forgive? They said, This is the guy who was dead and came back. I thanked all the nurses and doctors. But you say, How have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings. Yet you are robbing Me. Copyright 2023 Answers for Everyone. Almost 20 years ago, while kayaking in Chile, a drowning accident left me technically dead for more than 30 minutes. I have never been in such awe of the creation of a human body. Why are they here? There were so many pastors, elders, deacons and all other lay believers. I felt the sound of fear coming from my own body. As such, I dont know if any of these near death experiences are real because the Bible says apostle Paul was not allowed to say what he saw. This guy isnt a Christian but has the chance to repent and get saved in the afterlife. By Benjamin Lahood . It wasnt an orderly progression, but Ive tried to lay it out in an orderly fashion here. The Bible teaches that God longs to be gracious to us (see Isa. The others didnt see the gates, hear that sound, or feel the heat. 18:21-35). 528 likes. He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things? Jesus impressed on his heart: These people call themselves Christians but they couldnt forgive their brothers and sisters. , stories of others can provide us with much to think about. The arm was very powerful. There are many wounded Christians who have backslidden, because another Christian did them harm and when the pastor or another in the church found out about it, they were told to just forgive. That is not how Jesus says to do it. The idea of hell has been widely portrayed as much as heaven. 2:12). I thought it was absurd. Are you sure that Jesus is about to come back within a few years? So when I saw them, I knew where I . The Second Coming and the Rapture are two separate and completely opposite events. Looking for clarity, to understand the deeper message of what you are saying. In the police report it says they resuscitated me five times. As the darkness is about to close and seal his fate, he remembers God and calls out to him for help and he is given another chance to live. The feeling in the room was the same as other times that I had been invited to come away with the Lord to visit Heaven. Sixth, their obedience in giving tithes to God. According to Ian's testimony, he came back to life on a slab in the morgue a full 15-20 minutes after he had been declared dead by the doctors. He became a devout Christian after that, having turned from his wicked ways to follow Jesus. Divine Tradition, 3. I was dead.. Multitudes, Multitudes in the valley of If you die tonight, where will YOU spend eternity??? Fortunately for Kenneth Hagin, his doctors were able to save him from seemingly inevitable death. All this belongs to my people, the Lord said. The Bible, 2. Bee, Your thoughts about Trump mirror my own. Jennifer Perez was another young Christian who had a shocking experience with hell while she slipped in and out of consciousness. Jesus stressed in Matthew 6:15 that if you don't forgive others, your Father in Heaven won't forgive you. There is mercy when we mess up. The gates slammed shut with a terrible sound of finality. Fifth, ones offering to the Lord. As for Trump God is using him to bring America back to him. And I continued to descend. The most amazing thing is that once I did this, I felt completely free, light as a feather! . God brought me back to life. IF we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgement and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. In an event that he relates to a vision, Bill Wiese, a devout Christian, describes his experience as being plunged into hell. I was taking this all in. These houses will be ready and completed AFTER My children give more tithes and offerings in My House. Read more about Pastor Brani Duyons testimony here. And then the Lord told me to come back and tell you that there are streets of gold in heaven. The realization that I was in Hell was unquestionably shocking and beyond hurtful! touched on in scripture -Joel 3:14 , Bill Wiese describes many horrifying sights, smells, and sounds. To read the full story of Laurie Ditto's encounter, get the book. If you are unsure of your beliefs surrounding hell, I would encourage you to read more about the afterlife here. Paul was caught up into the third heaven (the highest realm,) and saw and heard things which were unutterable..which were os sacred he could not share them. But how many of our family are going there? Hence, there has been a lot of misconceptions about it too. As quickly as it shot out from Hell, it just as quickly moved back. Everything I learned in eighth grade science I recalled perfectly. Noah was left behind. God views the time as a circle like a clock with the white horse -spiritual force Gods Kingdom as the first and the last (Rev.6:8, 22:13) When Trump entered the Presidential race, I thought he was a shill for the Democratic Party, running to knock other Republican contenders out of the possibility of winning, so Hillary Clinton would win. I hope this will help you. To many people think tomorrow is the end and base their theology on the day and the hour. Clearly the false notion of once saved always saved is coming to light. In cases where one is badly treated by unsaved people (unbelievers,) I believe the Biblical precedent, is simply to forgive. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. order were behind Hillary waiting to You know what? A person cannot get out of Hell if they acquire the right answer. He proceeded to read the entire Bible in the 6 weeks following this experience. Format: pdf Size : 251.30 KB. Downloaded 597 times. God bless you. The Hell realm unlocked and I heard massive gates creak open and I felt extreme heat enter the room. Forged in Fire. Sign up today for your free Reader Account. A related myth is the notion that there are people in hell who wanted to go to heaven while they were still alive, but God wouldn't . God bless you. Tamara remembers seeing thousands of others around her, yet feeling a sense of total isolation. I was so happy when he ended that HHS Mandate evil Obama created. How do you know you have forgiven? Jesus Christ took Ian and brought him to heaven. Many people wonder if hell is hot or cold. Im also seeing a remnant rising up on Facebook for Revival with live Worship and Miracles. At the young age of 15, Tamara Laroux attempted to take her own life. According to him, he died on the spot, and he went into a place where there was "utter blackness" and "incredible fear". I had no idea how much trouble I was in or that I would be forever changed. If you do not serve me with your whole heart, then you serve Me not at all. Then the Lord of hosts got even angrier and said: tithes and offerings are a commandment. Father Jose Maniyangat had a near-death-experience in hell after being hit by a drunk driver. I now know that, you are the Only Saviour of the world; the only One that can forgive my sins. In the same way that it takes a repentant heart to receive salvation, it takes a repentant heart to receive mercy. Not many seems to understand that we are living in and are spiritual prisoners in the fourth and last of Satans kingdoms at earth , the kingdom of hell and death and that the gates of hell only can be opened by perfect obedience to the Lord. Unlike the other people we have mentioned, Matthew Botsford was far from Christianity when he had his near-death-experience in hell. About four years ago I cried to God because I felt I could no longer endure to see all evil and unrighteousness which fills this this earth and I felt as my heart would break because of the pain over this. A very minor detail though which in no way takes from the testimony. Read the full testimony here. In her experiences, she tells of detailed torture, putrid odors, demons, and a pit of fire. Most notably Jesus speaks of all nations coming for the last judgment (Matthew 25:31-46). I could look up and see the lights of the Earth. He recalls the feeling of numbness spreading throughout his body. She pulled herself together and ran 100 yards.. Vision of heaven and hell left man changed. It was the mercy of Jesus that He sent me to Hell and His mercy that He took me out of there. It was void of anything good. For the sake of explanation, I knew three things firstI was in Hell, eternally, for unforgiveness. Here, he talks about what happens there, the suffering people continually have, and the people he saw in that terrible place the Bible talks about.Watch and fibnd out the details. That was my problem with what he related. During his time in hell, which lasted exactly 23 minutes, Bill Wiese experienced a great number of horrors including torture, intense darkness, a raging pit of fire, screaming, foul odors, and varying levels of torment. Countless people have been to hell either through a dream, a vision, or a near-death-experience. Miraculously, Tamara felt a bright hand carry her up to heaven after which she found herself back in her home. Born and raised in a Christian family, Reverend Kenneth Hagin experienced hell at the age of 15 in a near-death-experience resulting from a chronic heart condition. FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the Covid-19 Vaccines | Principia Scientific Intl. Muslim Sees Jesus In His Dream | Jahir Israels Testimony, Proving there is a rapture of the church before tribulation Susan Davis. +HoneyGood Question2nd MaccabeesBut not just thereremember when Jesus Christ established his visible church on earth the Roman Catholic Church he gave it certain authority. The metaphor the church uses is that of a 3 legged stool, 1. I believe the bridegroom is coming soon two years, five years, 10 years I dont know when, but its exciting., He believes God will use the current U.S. president, as crazy as Trump seems, in the revival. She was still hanging on to the car., When she saw they were going to hit another vehicle, she let go and fell headlong to the pavement. I agree with your feelings regarding Trump. At this very moment there are many people on Earth that are robbing the Lord like I did. I have never seen such a sad sight, ever! Today, I still have an eerie weightiness whenever I share about Hell. I passed through gates that trapped the darkness inside. Ian wished to return to earth to share his story with those who did not know God. For more information, visit xlibrispublishing.co.uk or call 0-800-014-8620 to receive a free publishing guide. I said, Yes.. You are reading that text wrong. I cant understand it. He looked exactly as I saw Him in my testimony of how Jesus Christ appearing to me. In a truly miraculous healing, Ian left the hospital the day following his tragic accident. I didnt believe it then. The bride is going to be beautiful her appearance, her apparel and her beauty.. The first thing I knew when I got there: I was in Hell. Tell my Children to preach the gospel. XlibrisUK. I believe many NDEs are real but this one is very doubtful because of this statement, It is not just people getting saved, Alec adds. In an event that he relates to a vision, Bill Wiese, a devout Christian, describes his experience as . She felt an unquenchable thirst as she smelled the intense smell of sulfur. They were stunned. He died of a heart attack and went down to hell. If Purgatory, we should pray for the dead. Heaven is bright and glorious; hell is dark and calamitous, which causes people to avoid preaching about it in churches. That kiss is about love, affection, and obedience. The children saw angels, demons, heaven, hell, even when they were ignorant of the spiritual truths being revealed to them . Beyond anything any words could describe.. I do not understand them but do recognize they are real. When the end comes, the weeds will be gathered first and burnt with unquenchable fire. how do we know we have forgiven? It can be quite fascinating to research this phenomenon. But, in my church there are many thieves who steal my tithes and offerings! I feel finally, finally someone is actually putting a stop to the march of evil in our land, and reversing it. forgiveness, like love is a decision. More than likely it was a paramedic and an EMT, two paramedics, or two EMTS off that ambulance. Then, all of a sudden, the front of the room opened up. Dont damn your soul over non-tithing or by believing false doctrine. all! In his book. When he won, I was stunned. Wasnt it supposed to be in the center of the earth or below us? Alec was in the coma for three weeks. Jesus stressed in Matthew 6:15 that if you dont forgive others, your Father in Heaven wont forgive you. We all had thought they were in Heaven with God. It wont be strange walking in Heaven being unforgiven by God. It is God who justifies. The people were oblivious that Hell was at the front of the room. The Bible is not like some big dictionary, where if you dont find some word, it must not be true. had an experience that would forever alter the course of his life. will enlighten every single person in Disclaimer Statement: There will not be anything like it, Jesus told him. Unlike Bill Wiese, Kenneth Hagins experience began when his heart ceased to beat. But that is not true. When He spoke, His voice went through my bones like a massive vibration!!! As dificult as forgiveness, making amends and reconciliation are I discovered that when you ask Holy Spirit to help, it really can go well.

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heaven and hell testimonies